Eat Naturally

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is just as important today as it’s always been, maybe even more so with all the extra stress that modern life brings and the toxins contained in everyday items like air fresheners, cosmetics, food additives and preservatives just to name a few. In short, the better your diet is the better your chance of living a healthy life and the more natural your diet the better it is for your body.

So what is a healthy diet? Well the quick answer is a natural diet, however, you shouldn’t just live off apples and carrots or cheese and bananas because you need to have a mixture of the main five food groups.

The five food groups are Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Fibre, Vitamins and Minerals. If you are eating a balanced diet it should include all these groups. OK this might sound a bit complicated but it isn’t really so I’ll give you a few examples to help you understand which groups your food fits into and how much of each you should probably be eating based on a person of average build.


When you mention protein people automatically think of meat, this is one option but you will also find protein in beans, peas, eggs, soy products, nuts and seeds. Meat and Eggs contain amino acids as well as protein which are very good for human beings, but soya is an excellent source of protein and Japanese women who eat a lot of Soya nad not much, if any, dairy have the lowest rate of breast cancer in the world. The recommended amount of protein is 25 g per day which equates to